
Updated May 21, 2024

Thank you for a
wonderful and successful
2024 basket cruise!

We are currently working on the details for the next basket cruise to set sail in 2026.

Once the ship, itinerary and dates have been chosen
we will update this website with the details.

If you are looking to purchase cruise logo wear from the 2024 cruise,
you can still use this link to purchase!

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To receive updates be sure to like and follow our facebook page:
and/or email basketcruiseinfo@me.com to be added to our email list.

We hope to see you all in 2026!

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Basket Weaving Cruise is a bi-annual event sailing the Caribbean. Enjoy beautiful tropical ports and wonderful basketweaving classes during sea days.

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Contact us for more information at:

Find us on Facebook for even more updates:

Basket Cruise on Facebook




basketweavingcruise.com | basketcruiseinfo@me.com | 262.497.5184